
From the Conservation

The Conservation Committee studies and acts. Under adopted policy, we limit our action to Mt Hood, the Columbia River Gorge, and Portland’s Forest Park. Our action is approved by the Board of Trustees and is executed in the name of the Trails Club of Oregon

From the Conservation Chair

This page has been pretty neglected for a while. The conservation committee wants to keep it a bit more current. If you would like to help the conservation committee contact the chair Candace Bonner conservation@trailsclub.org at

Conservation note Nov 2018

Every Trails Club member has had the good fortune to hike or camp or climb or swim/raft/canoe/kayak in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, the Pacific Northwest. Many of the places we enjoy remain vulnerable, or have newly become vulnerable. Each month we will have a note featuring one or two organizations working to protect our natural places, and ways to support them, or a note about conservation actions in one of these special places. We hope every Trails Club member will choose to participate in some conservation effort or activity that matches your time available and your interests. As climate change progresses, it is ever more urgent to "Love it (and fight to protect it) or Lose it!"

Bark, Protector of Mt Hood National Forest

Bark’s roots go back to 1993, when a lawyer and a musician walked into a forest, Mt Hood National Forest, and came upon vast clearcuts and old growth logging which no one seemed to know about. They vowed that such activities would never go unknown again, and took it upon themselves to walk each and every timber sale in Mt Hood National Forest, finding and documenting the truth on the ground, and making that truth known, in their mission to protect this forest they loved. They trained others to do this work with them, and in 1999 Bark was officially born, with groundtruthing a central tenant of its work.

Bark continues to train volunteers year round to groundtruth proposed timber sales. An annual summer Base Camp provides 2 weeks of training and groundtruthing, camping and camaraderie. There are additional workshops in tree climbing with Bark partner NEST to document nests of protected species, and wildlife tracking with partner Cascadia Wild.

Bark takes seriously its role in protecting Mt Hood National Forest, and does not hesitate to bring suit when making the truth known is not enough.

How you can support Bark:

Do you love tromping the woods off trail? Learn to groundtruth, hone your knowledge of native species of trees and plants and of wildlife signs, learn to measure tree girth, ground slope and aspect, etc. http://bark-out.org/content/groundtruthing BARK offers frequent training, and always has ongoing projects in groundtruthing.

Are you a rock climber? Learn to climb trees with Bark partner NEST, to document the presence of protected species such as the red tree vole during groundtruthing. Learn to place your first rope with a bow and arrow!. https://nestcascadia.wordpress.com/nest-faq/

Volunteer with Bark partner Cascadia Wild, http://www.cascadiawild.org , to monitor their Mt Hood wildlife cameras, in all weather, all seasons. It is always a thrill to be the first person to see what wild creatures have been sharing the trail.

There are many other ways to support Bark listed on their website: http://bark-out.org/content/get-involved Dive in! It is not only worthwhile, but fun!

Next month: Friends of Mt. Hood

Thank you for caring about Mt Hood National Forest!

Your Conservation Committee.

Conservation note Sept 2018

Every Trails Club member has had the good fortune to hike or camp or climb or swim/raft/canoe/kayak in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, the Pacific Northwest. Many of the places we enjoy remain vulnerable, or have newly become vulnerable. Each month we will have a note featuring one or two organizations working to protect our natural places, and ways to support them, or a note about conservation actions in one of these special places. We hope every Trails Club member will choose to participate in some conservation effort or activity that matches your time available and your interests. As climate change progresses, it is ever more urgent to “Love it (and fight to protect it) or Lose it!”

Oregon (Keep It) Wild:

This month we are featuring Oregon Wild, one of the oldest, and most broad-reaching, of Oregon-based conservation groups. Since its founding as Oregon Wilderness Coalition in 1974, then as Oregon Natural Resource Council, and now as Oregon Wild, Oregon Wild has worked to protect Oregon’s wildlands, wildlife, and waters, and to defend Oregon’s public lands. Oregon Wild has played a major role in securing greater Federal wilderness protection for 1.7 million acres in Oregon, from Kalmiopsis in the Southwest, to Hell’s Canyon in the Northeast. Oregon Wild is a vigilant watchdog over our public lands, taking action against threats, such as the sale of the Elliot State Forest, working collaboratively whenever possible, and going to court when necessary. Oregon Wild also offers frequent hikes, and regularly offers educational events.

How can you join Oregon Wild’s efforts to protect our wild lands?
Sign up for Oregon Wild action alerts to keep you aware of ongoing threats and how to write or petition.
Join Wild Ones, Oregon Wild’s advocacy training program and learn how to be an effective advocate for the lands you love.

Check out Oregon Wild’s website, https://oregonwild.org, for other ways to become involved in their work.

Next month:
Bark: Protector of Mt Hood National Forest

Thank you for caring about our wild and wonderful state!

Your Conservation Committee.

What Can You Do for Our Gorge?
May 9, 2018

The Eagle Creek Fire occurred in the Columbia River Gorge over six months ago. The Forest Service has reported that of the 49,000 acres that burned, only 15% were severely damaged, and 55 % had “little to no fire impact”. Nevertheless many of our favorite trails will be closed for this summer and some longer. Our own Nesika Lodge was severely damaged, and will require much time and money to restore.

There are a number of organizations taking on various roles to help with Gorge recovery efforts. The Gorge Trails Recovery Team was formed in September 2017 and consists of four organizations, Trailkeepers of Oregon, Pacific Crest Trail Association, Washington Trails Association and Friends of the Columbia Gorge. So what can you do?

First and foremost, you can help with the work to restore our own Nesika Lodge. A schedule for the Nesika work parties, led by Glen Conrad, can be found via the This Lodges link.

If you would like to help restore Gorge trails, and can work one day or many days, connect with Trailkeepers of Oregon (TKO.) Their website, trailkeepersoforegon.org spells out training opportunities as well as work teams and specific schedules. TKO has offered to have a training session for TCO members only, to train our members to lead TCO trail restoration workdays.
Please email the conservation committee at conservation@trailsclub.org if you are interested in participating in a TKO training for TCO members only.
The Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA) also offers training and work party schedules. Their website is eventbrite.com/o/pacific-crest-trail-association-mount-hood-chapter-15326589343

The Washington Trails Association has similar opportunities and their website is wta.org/news/signpost/gorge-trail-recovery-efforts. wta.org/news/signpost/gorge-trail-recovery-efforts

The Friends of the Columbia Gorge are focusing on removal of invasive plants and planting native seeds. Their website is gorgefriends.org/firestewardship. gorgefriends.org/firestewardship.
Your energy and work can help restore our own beautiful Nesika, and can help to restore Gorge trails and access, and accelerate the recovery of this most special place, The Columbia River Gorge!

Candace Bonner
Conservation committee chair